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Hi Azana Lovers, Front One Airport Hotel hold a General Staff Meeting every 3 months with the aim of strengthening working relationships between employees and improving communication in order to make hotel operations runs well and smoothly.

These are also intended to improve our services to our guests to be better and more consistent time after time.

Every meeting has its own theme

for May 2024, the theme for our General Meeting Staff is "Back To School" which everyone is dressed like school students from every level, such as; elementary school, middle school and senior high school.

The theme itself is to make our tri-semester General Staff Meeting more exciting and attractive

There was a presentation from HRD to remind us about the grooming standards at Azana, there was also a celebration for staff who had a birthday and ofcourse Best Employee of the quaterly.

And the most-waited was an exciting entertainment event in the form of a genetic photo competition, quiz, and gift exchange.

See you at the next General Staff Meeting, HRD

ALC (1.1.0)

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